Moving women

Mamas for Africa supports girls and women in their fight against sexual violence and gender inequality in eastern Congo.

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Central issue

1 in 3 women is victim of sexual violence in eastern Congo

Cobalt, copper, gold. The riches in the mines of eastern Congo contrast sharply to the violent conflict above ground. A conflict that particularly affects the most vulnerable girls and women. They are too often a target in the struggle for resources. Sexual violence is used as a weapon of war.



Our impact

When you support us, you ease the pain of thousands of girls and women. You contribute to their physical and mental recovery. This is how you give them hope for a better life, also for their families, their neighbors, their fellow villagers.



women received medical care in 2023



women received psychological counseling in 2023



persons we reached with our awareness campaigns

How can you help?

Support us in 4 ways

Would you like to help us? You can do so in the following ways: 

1 in 3 women are brutally raped in eastern Congo. I cannot sit on the sidelines watching, I want to help!

Goedele Liekens (Mamas for Africa Ambassador)



Nobel Prize winner Doctor Denis Mukwege

Doctor Denis Mukwege is one of our key partners.

Does this Nobel Peace Prize winner need another introduction? He is a gynecologist and an expert on sexual violence in conflict zones. In Bukavu, he runs the Panzi Hospital, where our women receive free medical care.

But not all affected women can go there because they are too numerous. That's why we work with two other partner hospitals. Here we do have to pay. We do this thanks to our donors.

Denis mkwege

Please help, make a donation

With your support, we move women forward.

By 2023, we were over 4,000 donors. Get involved!

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