Your help saves lifes

Mamas for Africa only exists because of your support. You support Congolese women and girls in their fight against sexual violence. Without you, they are on their own in a horrific conflict.

Why support Mamas for Africa?

Support us and ease the pain of thousands of girls and women. You contribute to their physical and mental recovery. This way you give them hope for a better life, also for their family, their neighbors, their fellow villagers.



women received medical care in 2023



women received psychological counseling in 2023



persons we reached with our awareness campaigns

Thanks to your donation

  • a strong network of local staff leads us to women in need
  • our nurses, social workers and psychologists provide solid medical and psychological support
  • you cover the hospital costs of the most vulnerable women
  • you provide shelter for outcast women in our Maison de la Femme
  • you support mediation with relatives of outcast women
  • you help to take care of sexually transmitted diseases in the most remote villages
  • you help to raise awareness among women and men through parishes, schools and local radio.
  • you help establish women's groups where victims take their fate into their own hands
  • you support women become financially independent

You are a member of our team!

Thanks to our donors

Without the support of our donors, there is no Mamas for Africa.

Our revenue derives entirely from private donations, legacies and financial sponsorship from corporate partners.

Without this help, Mamas for Africa cannot support vulnerable girls and women. Your help saves lives.

We cherish the more than 4.000 individual donors who supported us in 2023. Thank you!

