Moving women forward, through your will

Continue to humanize the world, even when you are no longer here.

'I want to leave my assets to Mamas for Africa. After all, all women deserve a healthy and safe life. In eastern Congo, there is so much suffering. I expierenced this since my tour of duty as a doctor. The ailments I treated there I had never seen in my own practice. I can help those women. Even after my passing.'

Marie-Louise (70), retired physician


Legacy giving costs nothing during your lifetime but will have powerful impact for future generations.

Even if you are no longer around, you can continue to support Mamas for Africa. Through a piece of your legacy, you give women and girls in eastern Congo the best medical and psychological care. This is how you continue to humanize the world and care for others.

Are you considering making a will like Marie-Louise's? Or would you like to donate to Mamas for Africa during your lifetime? Then contact us:



Anke Dumez

Have any questions? Contact me to talk in confidence and without any obligation.
I would love to help and get you started! 

"Three years ago, my wife died. I miss her so much. Sexual violence always outraged her. She supported Mamas for Africa and after her passong I continued this commitment. Now I plan to leave part of my assets to Mamas for Africa. Elisabeth would have wanted it that way."

Albert (85), one of our most loyal donors
