Our psychologists save lives

The inhuman struggle in eastern Congo has an immense impact on the mental health of girls and women.



Mamas for Africa offers long-term counselling

The conflict in eastern Congo rages on unabated. Girls and women continue to fall prey to rape and other forms of violence on a massive scale. There is a great need for medical care, but psychological counselling also makes a world of difference.
After all, we must not forget that the inhuman struggle in the region has an immense impact on the mental health of girls and women.

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Young Christelle's story proves as much:

‘A few days after giving birth, something happened that took away the meaning of life from me,’ she recounts. 'I was resting in the shade of the tree next to my house. Inside, my milk-drunk baby was sleeping. I was grateful for the peace and quiet, when suddenly a jeep stopped. Three soldiers got out. They pushed me inside and raped me, one after the other. Then they patted each other on the shoulder laughing and left.'

'I was severely depressed and wanted to end it. Luckily, my husband brought me to Mamas for Africa. There I met Eulalie Amani. She is a psychologist and saved my life. Thanks to her guidance, I am quietly but surely getting back on my feet.'

Eulalie has been working for Mamas for Africa for years. She offers long-term counselling - for as long as the woman or girl needs it. Her empathy and knowledge of different cultures are her great strength.

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‘I trust Eulalie completely,’ says Christelle. "She knows and respects our rituals. When I can't get to Mamas for Africa because of the long distance, she comes to my house. She has put me in touch with peers. Together we learn about women's rights. I am stronger now and will do everything I can so that the same does not happen to my little daughter later.'

Besides follow-up in the hospital or at home, Eulalie also does awareness-raising through women's and discussion groups. This is much needed, because after sexual violence, women often fall into a bottomless pit of grief. Many are coldly excluded from their communities.

This is precisely why sexual violence is such an effective weapon of war. It hits villages right in their hearts. That is why it is so important that women have a place where they can get support and tell their stories. Especially in remote areas, isolation threatens otherwise.

Thanks to your help

girls like Christelle regain the mental resilience to pick up the threads of their lives! Together, we are committed to professional and long-term psychological help!

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