Any further questions?

Read below some frequently asked questions as well as the answers. Please contact us if anything is still unclear. We're here to help!

Support Mamas for Africa

How can i help?

  • Through a donation you help to realize our operation in Eastern Congo. By doing so, you give women and girls hope for a better future.
  • With a direct debit or permanent assignment, we can plan longer-term activities. Because because so many women and girls are victims - according to some sources, Eastern Congo is the region with the most sexual violence against women anywhere in the world - the needs there remain very high.
  • You can also help Mamas for Africa as a volunteer, or by setting up a fundraiser, organizing a lecture, becoming a partner, through your will, ... Click here to find out in which ways you can help.

What is the bank account number of Mamas for Africa?

IBAN: BE21 7330 4774 0703
NAME: Mamas for Africa VZW
ADDRESS: Turnhoutsebaan 139 A, 2140 Antwerp, Belgium

How do I arrange a monthly donation to Mamas for Africa?

You can arrange this through this link. Select “I donate monthly.”

What does Mamas for Africa do with my donation?

Your gift funds Mamas for Africa's operations in Eastern Congo.

Empowering women to stand up for their own rights is the core of our work.

We always do this with respect for the prevailing cultural norms and customs.

Here you can read more about what we do.

In our annual report we explain how we have spent our donations in the past year, what we have realized, and give details about our activities. Read our annual report here.

About the work of Mamas for Africa

What does Mamas for Africa do?

Mamas for Africa works in eastern Congo. This region has been plagued by violent conflict for decades. Sexual violence is used as a weapon of war there.

Mamas for Africa cannot end this conflict. But we can make society better by supporting girls and women. Thanks to your help, they grow into strong survivors who take their existence into their own hands, as a springboard to peace.

Mamas for Africa provides medical and psychological care. Victims of sexual violence and gender inequality, and women suffering from serious gynecological conditions can visit one of our 11 staffed reception points across South Kivu province.

Mamas for Africa sensitizes through parish halls, schools, local radio ... There we break taboos, make things discussable and inform. Mamas for Africa talks about equal rights, sexual violence, rejection and masculinité positive. The whole community - women and men - is involved in these awareness-raising actions. This is how women are empowered.

This is how we move women forward. This is how we move an entire community forward.

What does Mamas for Africa do with my money?

You can read this on this page. Here you will also find our annual report with a clear overview of how we spend your donations.

Need more info? Contact Mamas for Africa.

Where can I find the annual report?

You will find our annual report on this page.

Contact information

Where can I find Mamas for Africa?

Mamas for Africa VZW
Turnhoutsebaan 139 A
2140 Antwerpen


How do I contact Mamas for Africa?

  • Via this form
  • Via email:
  • Via telephone: 03 376 03 03
  • By post or visit: Mamas for Africa VZW, Turnhoutsebaan 139 A, 2140 Antwerp, Belgium

What is Mamas for Africa's company number?

0471 032 691