Partnership with
Together we empower women in eastern Congo. Together we move women forward!

Partnerships are essential in the operation of Mamas for Africa
We are proud to announce: a new partnership with Umicore.
Together, we facilitate health care, provide psychological care, organise actions against violence, and more. Together, we improve the lives of many women and girls and lead them to a better future.
Is your company also looking for a sustainable partnership? Then be sure to read on ...

Umicore has been a proud supporter of Mamas for Africa since 2023. This organization helps women and girls in eastern Congo who face sexual and gender-based violence by offering counseling that helps them heal physically and mentally while also working on preventing violence, raising awareness, supporting families and mediating conflicts. Through their work the support gender equality following their belief that strong women make a strong society.
In 2023 they offered medical and psychological assistance to more than 2,900 girls and women, helping them recover and restore their dignity. The organization also started new awareness campaigns, which reached nearly 35,000 people through awareness days and radio spots. These campaigns aimed to challenge taboos, support gender equality, and inform communities about the effects of sexual violence.
We are happy to join them in this journey, helping to stop violence against women and backing the amazing work of Mamas for Africa. Together, we are improving the lives of many women and girls, leading them to a better future.
Creating impact together
Is your company looking for a sustainable partnership?
By supporting Mamas for Africa, a company shows its social responsibility. This does not only make the world more beautiful, but also your company.
Do you want to fight for women's rights and a better society? Then look here:

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